Barnas’s Hjørne

                                        (Kid’s Corner)

One day sitting in history class, wishing I was somewhere else, I overheard one of my
classmates talk about a recent trip to Norway. Come to find out, he is 50% Norwegian! So after class, I held a little
interview on our way to our next class. Nathan, a 12 year old, is in seventh grade at El Roble Intermediate School.
He has been to Norway many times. His family travels there roughly once a year. He was born in the United
States, but mother was born in Norway. He still has family, mostly cousins, who live scattered throughout
Norway. He said that Norway is very beautiful and very clean. It’s the beauty that he likes best about Norway. He
especially loves the mountains, and that there is virtually no smog. Though he doesn’t speak Norwegian at home,
he does know some of the language. He also stated that Norway has the best licorice in the world!
We also talked about the Sundfjord Lodge, and he thought it was awesome that so many Norwegians live in
Southern California. He said he is going to tell his parents about it, and try to come to a meeting.
With talking to Nathan, it makes me want to visit Norway more than ever!

By Irene Davis
13 years old

 Kids Corner