Barnas Hjørne

(Kid’s Corner) by Irene Davis

Hello everyone and welcome back to Sundfjord Lodge! I hope everyone had a very safe and happy summer. Mine and my sister Ashley’s was spent visiting my father in Poca, West Virginia, my grandparents in Lexington, Kentucky, my great grandparents in Fairborn, Ohio, and of course doing tons of Color Guard practice!

This month, since all of us school-aged members are starting school, my report will be about education in Norway.

Education in Norway

The school year in Norway goes from late August to mid-June. There is a Christmas break that is from mid-December to early January. The Christmas break splits the school year into two semesters. For kids ages 6-16, school is mandatory.

The Norwegian School system is divided into three parts; Elementary (ages 6-13), Lower Secondary (age 13-16), and Upper Secondary (age 16-19). The Elementary and Lower Secondary school is what is mandatory. Before 1997, the mandatory education age in Norway started at age 7. Students just about always change schools when they go into lower and upper secondary schools.

During the first year of Elementary school (Barneskolen), the students mostly play educational games and learn social behaviors. In 2nd through 7th grades they study math, English, Norwegian, religion, gymnastics, geography, history, and society. During Elementary school, no grades are given.

At age 12 or 13, they enter Lower Secondary School (Ungdomsskolen), and start working for their grades! These grades will determine if they get accepted to their High School of choice. From 8th grade the students can choose one or more subjects. Language classes that can be chosen from are German, French, or Spanish.

Upper School (Vidregående) is an optional three years of schooling. It is attended by 96% of the students.

So to both my Norwegian and American school aged students……..

Velkommen tilbake til skolen”

Welcome back to school”

By Heritage member

Irene Davis, 12 years old.